Call for PDW on Diversity Equity Inclusion

Call for the Paper Development Workshop with the Guest Editors of the IJOPM Special Issue

“On Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management: What about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?”

(When submitting a paper aiming this PDW, make sure to include “Diversity Equity and Inclusion” as a keyword – no matter if you submit a Working Paper or a Competitive Paper)


Guest Editors

Dr. Byung-Gak Son, Baynes Business School, City, University of London, The UK

Prof. Lilian M. de Menezes, Bayes Business School, City, University of London, The UK

Prof. Salomée Ruel, Excelia Business School, France
Prof. Adriana Leiras, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dr. Seongtae Kim, Aalto University School of Business, Finland


Research Gaps and Intended Contributions

Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) remains under-researched when compared to other topics in Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM), since a small number of DEI-related articles have been published in main Operations Management (OM) journals over the last decade. As a whole, research on OSCM has largely overlooked the needs of minority-stakeholders. Therefore, this special issue aims to contribute to the Operations Management (OM) literature by expanding the research agenda beyond sustainable OSCM and encouraging researchers to extend their investigations into neglected areas within DEI research.


Potential Research Topics

With this special issue, we aim to contribute to the ongoing discussion on the importance of human aspects in OSCM by focusing on DEI. To this end, we call for topically and methodologically innovative studies that have the potential to advance both theory and practice in the field. We welcome empirical research conducted at different levels of analysis, including individual, firm, dyadic, network and societal, in different contexts.

While focusing on supplier relationship management and development, sustainable procurement and CSR, sustainable supply chains, transparency, visibility and traceability in supply chains, customer and supplier satisfaction, and related OSCM topics,  the following contributions to the following are sought by this special issue:

  • Drivers and barriers to improving DEI performance in OSCM;
  • The link between OSCM performance and DEI performance;
  • Measuring and monitoring the impact of DEI initiatives on OSCM performance;
  • Benefits and challenges of developing diverse and inclusive supply chain relationships;
  • Impact of cultural, historical, social, economic, and political factors on DEI practices in OSCM;
  • The role of technology and data analytics in promoting (or hindering) DEI in OSCM;
  • Challenges for firms in managing an ageing or disabled workforce in their operations and supply chains?
  • Ethical implications of any exclusion of minorities in OSCM;
  • Unintended consequences of supply chain digitalisation on DEI;
  • OSCM strategies for equitable outcomes;
  • OSCM practices for prioritising the needs and perspectives of minorities and promoting the UN SDGs.

Special Issue Editorial Team

Byung Gak Son is a Reader in SCM at Bayes Business School, City, University of London. His research interests are mainly buyer-supplier relationships, complex supply networks and supply chain risk management. His recent work focuses on marginalised parties in a buyer-supplier relationship, investigating fairness and governance issues. His work has been published in Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, International Journal of Operations & Production Management and Journal of Supply Chain Management.

Lilian M. de Menezes is a Professor of Decision Sciences and Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Bayes Business School, City, University of London. Her research contributions range from studies of management practices, new forms of work organisation, processes and outcomes to the development of forecasting and statistical methods. Her publications include articles in the European Journal of Operational Research, Human Relations, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Journal of Operations Management. She has industrial experience from working on a number of operations projects for consulting and financial organisations.

Salomée RUEL is a Professor at EXCELIA Business School (France) and a member of the CERIIM research centre. Her research focuses on supply chain strategy, digitalisation, dynamic capabilities (resilience, viability) and social sustainability in SCM. More specifically, she studies the impact of gender diversity on supply chain performance (e.g., financial, operational, social, environmental) and how organisations can become more inclusive. Her research appeared in several international journals such as International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Journal of Business Research. Finally, she is the treasurer of the International Association for Logistics and SCM Research (AIRL-SCM).

Adriana Leiras is a Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio and founder and coordinator of the HANDs Lab – Humanitarian Assistance and Needs for Disasters. She is an ex-officio advisor to the POMS Latin America Chapter (POMS-LA) and a former president of POMS-LA. She is also a former Regional Vice President of the Americas for POMS – Production and Operations Management Society. She also leads the MIT SCALE Latin America Network’s regional research project on humanitarian logistics and relief operations. Since 2011, she has been actively involved in research and consulting projects on humanitarian logistics and disaster operations management. She has co-authored several papers published in journals, books and conference proceedings. She teaches and researches operations management, focusing on humanitarian operations management.

Seongtae Kim is an Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management at Aalto University School of Business. His main research interests include supply chain sustainability and ethics, for which DEI-related issues are crucial, e.g., in addressing mechanisms to promote social responsibility in supply chains. His work has appeared in the leading operations and supply chain management journals, including Decision Sciences Journal, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, and Journal of Supply Chain Management.