Conference Organizers


Audencia Business School is a French Grande Ecole with campus in Nantes, Paris, Beijing and São Paulo., offering a wide range of programmes that include Bachelor, Master, Executive Programme and DBA. In 2021, Audencia ranked 66th in the Financial Times Top 100, and 1st in the Better World MBA Rankin in France. By 2022, Audencia accounted for 390 employees and over 6,500 students 

In 2021, Audencia launched the innovative initiative named GAÏA.

With its new strategic plan, Audencia has given itself a new raison d’être: to accompany the virtuous transformation of organizations. However, the devastating consequences of global warming, the collapse of biodiversity and the increase in inequalities (to name but a few) put us in an emergency situation, forcing us to both accelerate and choose a certain form of radicalism.

Thus, the creation of GAÏA, the first School of Ecological and Social Transition, created by a Business School, is all about. Faced with the challenges we face, GAÏA:

 –  offers training courses accessible to the greatest number of people on topics related to ecological and social issues

–  offers specialized courses to students in Audencia’s initial training programs

–  supports individuals and organizations in minimizing their ecological and social impact



The Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RIO) is a community institution of Higher Education, philanthropic and non-profit, which aims to produce and disseminate knowledge from teaching, research and extension activities, based on pluralism and democratic debates, aiming, above all, at reflection, growth and enrichment of society.

The internationalization of teaching and the exchange between cultures and knowledge are proposals welcomed by PUC-Rio in a globalized world. The campus, built in an area of ​​104,000 m2 that allows over 26,000 students to benefit from the integration between courses and the development of multidisciplinary projects. PUC-Rio seeks excellence in research, teaching and extension for the training of competent professionals, qualified to fully perform their duties.

Four Centres bring together the 27 departments at PUC-Rio: Center for Theology and Human Sciences, Center for Social Sciences, Center for Biological and Health Sciences, and Scientific Technical Center (CTC).

The Department of Industrial Engineering is located at the CTC which hosted 1,775 undergraduate students, 418 master’s students and 405 doctoral students in the second half of 2022. Among the Department’s laboratories, LabGoals – Operations Management and Logistics Analysis for Sustainability – is the most adherent to the Conference. This is where the activities at PUC-Rio will be located. Research conducted within this laboratory is focused on economic, social and environmental sustainability.




The “European Laboratory for Innovative Purchasing and Supply”, hosted at the University of Twente (Enschede, NL), is a centre for purchasing studies comprising 30+ scholars researching and teaching procurement. It has three targets: shaping individuals (with its bachelor specialisation and master track PSM), shaping society (through leading edge purchasing research) and shaping connections (including a joint master programme with LUT – Lappeenranta University of Technology and a joint PhD programme with USP – University of São Paulo).


Created in 1934, the University of São Paulo, USP, is a public university, maintained by the State of São Paulo. More than eight decades of an intense search for excellence, allows USP to integrate a select group of world-class institutions. Its teaching programs are dedicated to all areas of knowledge, with over 90 thousand students. Currently, USP is responsible for over 20% of Brazilian scientific production.     


The “Centro Internacional de Estudos em Compras – International Centre for Purchasing Studies” is an institute registered at the Brazilian science authority, open for members from diverse universities It is targeting at bringing together Brazilian scientist and practitioners in purchasing, linking them to international PSM research and teaching and therewith propel the advancement of procurement in Brazil.