Scientific Committee

IPSERA is a broad and inclusive community. You can read about our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion guidelines on the association website. We apply the same logic to the double-blind review process of papers submitted to the annual conference. A large pool of volunteer reviewers ensures the quality and the constructive spirit of the review process. Part of this amazing group of professionals are professors at different career stages, post docsPhD students and practitioners.

Below we show just a partial representation of the Scientific Committee, with scholars that have been continuously supporting the association along the years:

  • Alessandro Ancarani – University of Catania
  • Rebecca Arkader – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Lydia Bals – University of Applied Sciences Mainz
  • Jenny Bäckstrand – Jönköping University
  • Ednilson Bernandes – West Virginia University
  • Constantin Blome – Lancaster University Leipzig
  • Christoph Bode – University of Mannheim
  • Richard Calvi – IAE Savoie Mont-Blanc
  • Federico Caniato – Politecnico de Milano
  • Marjolein Caniels – Open University, The Netherlands
  • Steven Carnovale – Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Simon Croom – University of San Diego
  • Carmela Di Mauro – University of Catania
  • Chris Ellegaard – Aarhus University
  • Lisa Ellram – Miami University
  • Emilio Esposito – University of Naples
  • Michael Essig – Bundeswehr University of Munich
  • Barbara Flynn – Kelley School of Business Indianapolis
  • Kai Főrstl – EBS University
  • Cees Gelderman – Open University, the Netherlands
  • Mihalis Giannakis – Audencia Business School
  • Cristina Gimenez – ESADE
  • Larry Giunipero – Florida State University
  • Jury Gualandris – Ivey Business School
  • Arni Halldorsson – Chalmers University
  • Jukka Hallikas – LUT University
  • Michael Henke – TU Dortmund Fraunhofer Institute
  • Mickey Howard – University of Exeter
  • Fu Jeff Jia – University of York
  • Rhona Johnsen – Audencia Business School
  • Thomas Johnsen – Audencia Business School
  • Fraser Johnson – Ivey Business School
  • Anni-Kaisa Kähkönen – LUT University
  • Matteo Kalchschmidt – University of Bergamo
  • Dirk-Jan Kamann – University of Pannonia
  • Lutz Kaufmann – WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
  • Katri Kauppi – Aalto University
  • Stephen Kelly – University of Salford
  • Louise Knight – University of Twente
  • Rudolf Large – Stuttgart University
  • Marie-Anne Le Dain – Grenoble University
  • Davide Luzzini – EADA Business School
  • Leonardo Marques – Audencia Business School
  • Donna Marshall – University College Dublin‎
  • Jo Meehan – University of Liverpool
  • Joe Miemczyk – ESCP Europe
  • Guido Nassimbeni – University of Udine
  • Damien Power – University of Melbourne
  • Mellie Pullman – University of Sussex
  • Lieven Quintens – Maastricht University
  • Jakob Rehme – Linköping University
  • Frank Rozemeijer – University of Maastricht
  • Asta Salmi – University of Oulu
  • Holger Schiele – University of Twente
  • Martin Schleper – University of Sussex
  • Tobias Schoenherr – Michigan State University
  • Janjaap Semeijn – Maastricht University
  • Wendy Tate – University of Tennessee
  • Wendy van der Valk – Tilburg University
  • Erik van Raaij – Erasmus University of Rotterdam
  • Arjan Van Weele – Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Bart Vos – Maastricht University
  • Frederik Vos – University of Twente
  • Stephan Wagner – ETH Zurich
  • Helen Walker – Cardiff Business School
  • Finn Wynstra – Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • George Zsidisin – University of Missouri-Saint Louis